5 minute Ear training hack

Unlock Your Musical Potential with Our Ear Training Videos

Welcome to Superhuman Hearing for Musicians!

Hello, fellow musicians! I’m Mattias, and I’m thrilled to introduce you to our specialized ear training video series designed to boost your musicality in just 5 minutes a day. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced musician, our videos will help you develop relative pitch, understand musical intervals, and significantly improve your musical skills.

Why Ear Training?

Perfect Pitch vs Relative Pitch

Not everyone is born with perfect pitch—the ability to recognize pitch without any reference. However, you can develop relative pitch with consistent practice. Relative pitch is your ability to identify the pitch of notes in relation to others, a crucial skill for any musician. Ear training enhances this skill, enabling you to:

• Recognize and reproduce melodies and chords by ear.

• Improve sight-reading capabilities.

• Enhance your overall musical understanding and performance.

What Our Videos Offer

Our ear training videos are tailored to provide a comprehensive learning experience. Here’s what you can expect:

1. Short, Effective Sessions: Each video is designed to fit into your busy schedule, requiring just 5 minutes of your day.

2. Step-by-Step Guidance: We break down complex concepts into easy-to-follow steps, ensuring you grasp each interval and pitch recognition technique.

3. Interactive Exercises: Engage with practical exercises that reinforce your learning and help you apply your skills in real musical scenarios.

4. Regular Updates: Stay tuned for new episodes and content updates to keep your training fresh and exciting.

Getting Started

To begin your ear training journey, head over to edu.morningdewmedia.com/eartraining. Here, you’ll find all our videos, our ear training application and additional resources to support your learning.

Introducing Our Ear Training Web App

We built a custom Ear Training Web App to help you with the 5-minute daily practise, available at https://edu.morningdewmedia.com/EarTraining/KeyboardIntervals_1.

Designed for musicians of all levels, this web app offers an interactive and convenient way to develop your relative pitch and master musical intervals.

With easy access to a variety of exercises, video tutorials, and real-time feedback, you can practice anytime, anywhere. Our app includes features such as customizable training sessions, progress tracking (for course participants), and engaging gamification elements that make learning fun and effective.

Start your journey towards superhuman hearing with the ultimate tool for ear training at your fingertips. Visit the web app today and unlock your full musical potential.

Recommended Viewing

Before diving into our latest videos, we recommend watching my video that covers the 12 basic intervals. Understanding these fundamentals will provide a strong foundation for your ear training practice.

Learn about the basic 12 melodic intervals

What You’ll Learn

Pitch Recognition: Learn to identify notes and pitches with ease.

Interval Training: Master the 12 basic intervals and how to recognize them.

Melodic Dictation: Improve your ability to transcribe melodies by ear.

Chord Progressions: Develop the skill to identify and play chord progressions.

Join Our Community

We believe in the power of community and shared learning. Join our growing community of musicians who are on the same journey. Share your progress, ask questions, and support each other through our dedicated forum and social media channels.

Ready to Transform Your Musical Skills?

Don’t wait any longer! Start your ear training journey today and unlock the superhuman hearing abilities that will set you apart as a musician. Visit edu.morningdewmedia.com now and explore our comprehensive ear training resources.

Thank you for joining us on this musical journey. Happy training!

Mattias Holmgren

Mattias Holmgren is a creative director sailing from Sweden – business owner of Morningdew Media. Visit Mattias YouTube with videos on music, creative sound design, graphics and brand development. Check out the Resources Page if you want to know what gear i use. Join my exclusive community: https://www.patreon.com/gelhein

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