Straylight Review - Granular Kontakt Library

Straylight review – Kontakt library showcase

Granular synthesis is one of my favourite synthesis methods. It’s so direct and often yields very satisfying results with little effort. Straylight is a brand new granular library for the Kontakt sampler. Developed by no other than Frank Elting which was product designer on many of Native Instruments products. You probably heard about some of them like; Massive, Maschine and the Kontakt sampler.

In the showcase video below I take you through the interface of Straylight and show off some of the soothing and cinematic textures courtesy of this capable sound engine.

Straylight – Granular Plugin – Kontakt Library Showcase

Straylight – granular textures

Most granular plugins are based on the same principle, which means chopping up the audio in tiny pieces (about 0-30 ms) and playing those tiny pieces in various ways. Straylight begins with the same concept but takes this further with additional controls and parameters to control the grains in interesting ways. It also offers some really interesting modulation capabilities.

The granular vst plugin Straylight sound engine features two distinct separate sound engines. One called Grain, and a second called Sample. Grain is obviously the granular sound engine. In combination with the Sample engine Straylight will produce lovely atmospheres and crips textures. I was surprised over the quality of the factory presets. The patches are very well crafted and every sound inspired me to play new melodies and phrases. That’s what an instrument should do… inspire your creative mind!

What’s included with Straylight?

Straylight comes with over 360 sounds, including strings, glass, stone, membranes, and many more for the granular and sample modules. You will find over 380 carefully crafted presets in the library, categorised into Atmosphere, Lead, Transition, Pad, Keys, Effects, Subs and Pulses. All wrapped up in an smooth intuitive and easy-to-use interface.

Compatible with Kontakt 6 and Kontakt Player 6, Straylight is available $149/£129/€149 from the Native Instruments website now.

Want to learn more about granular synthesis & granular plugins?

If you like my Straylight review and want to learn more about granular synths you might also like a previous video and article that I did.

My top 4 granular plugins

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Mattias Holmgren

Mattias Holmgren is a creative director sailing from Sweden – business owner of Morningdew Media. Visit Mattias YouTube with videos on music, creative sound design, graphics and brand development. Check out the Resources Page if you want to know what gear i use. Join my exclusive community:

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