Favourite Studio Gear 2019

Favourite Studio Gear 2019 – Music Gear Tips

Let’s go through my favourite music gear and studio tools 2019. I talk briefly about some of my absolute favourite gear in the studio. Keyboards, guitars, drumkits, samplers, pocket operators, microphones and much more. Learn why I choose to work with these tools in my studio.

Let me know if you want a more in-depth video on any of the music gear or studio tools!

Favourite Studio Gear 2019!

▶ Check out my gear on Kit: https://kit.com/Gelhein

Mattias Holmgren

Mattias Holmgren is a creative director sailing from Sweden – business owner of Morningdew Media. Visit Mattias YouTube with videos on music, creative sound design, graphics and brand development. Check out the Resources Page if you want to know what gear i use. Join my exclusive community: https://www.patreon.com/gelhein

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